Terms of Use
SpaOvarium.com terms of sale: Gift certificates are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash. Gift certificates and gift cards cannot be used to purchase another gift certificate or gift card.
The information provided during your purchase on Spa Ovarium’s website is and will remain confidential. All data obtained during electronic transactions are confidential and are not communicated to third parties. Your credit card number will transit directly through the appointment BOOKER website. No Ovarium Spa employee has access to this information.
For all other questions about our privacy policy and your transactions on the Spa Ovarium website, please contact Antoine Couture at antoine@ovarium.com
Printable Gift Certificates are available from your online account. It is your responsibility to print them and bring them to your appointment at Ovarium.
We accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards.
Payment by credit card is totally secure.